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The Codgbrooke Family:

A family of hagglers and badgers who lived in Rushden in the 17th and 18th Centuries

The Marriott Family:

Eventually moving into London, these were the relations of a popular writer of dance music of  the mid to late 1800s.


Eleanor CODGBROOKE,   1761

Eleanor CODGBROOKE,   1791

Elizabeth CODGBROOKE,   1788

John CODGBROOKE,   1688

John CODGBROOKE,   1735

Mary CODGBROOKE,   1732

Mary CODGBROOKE,   1786

Rebecca CODGBROOKE,   1785

Thomas CODGBROOKE,   1790

Wiles CODGBROOKE,   1726

Wiles CODGBROOKE,   1758

William CODGBROOKE,   1685

William CODGBROOKE,   1729

William CODGBROOKE,   1756

William CODGBROOKE,   1783

Ann MARRIOTT,   1751

Ann MARRIOTT,   1786

Charles Valentine MARRIOTT,   21 November 1806

Elizabeth MARRIOTT,   1783

Ellinora Christian MARRIOTT,   17 February 1810

Handel MARRIOTT,   1811

Homer MARRIOTT,   4 December 1808

Mary MARRIOTT,   1756

Mary MARRIOTT,   1787

Ovid MARRIOTT,   1814

Samuel MARRIOTT,   1750

Samuel MARRIOTT,   1753

Thomas MARRIOTT,   1762

William MARRIOTT,   1747

William MARRIOTT,   1790

Also born in Rushden:

Edwin BAKER,   21 August 1815

Joseph BAKER,   9 March 1818

William Sanders BAKER,   1813

Clara SILLS,   1893

Emma SILLS,   1895

Northamptonshire Counties Contact

On the border with Bedfordshire is the market town of Rushden.    


A very early family still to be explored in detail in the archives.

Gilbert WILES,   1653

Gilbert WILES,   1695

Mary WILES,   1698

Rebecca WILES,   1700

Other Parishes